Doc Gets Shelled

When people who have never gone ask me about Wrigley Field, I always tell them, “It’s the best bar in the world.”

Here’s an example from the early 80’s. When the Mets had Dwight Gooden at the top of his game, he
wore the Cubs out every game he started, except one, on August 6, 1984. My buddy and I went to a Friday afternoon game, called a “Business Man’s Special” because it started at 2 instead of 12 (they were ALL day games backthen) and made a vow to drink a beer for every run the Cubs scored. The Cubbies won the game 9 – 3, and we only reached 8 by the end of the 9 th inning. In those days they didn’t stop serving beer until they ran out, and as we staggered to the car, I grabbed my 9 th as we exited the park, but since he was driving, he broke his vow. Yes, the beer vendors stood by the exits to make sure you wouldn’t get thirsty on the way to your car. I had a date after the game (the third date, when its put out or get out) and he dropped me off at her house and drove away as I emptied number 9. I don’t remember much else until I woke up the next day in my apartment. I called my new ex-girlfriend, and she told me the following story:

“We went straight to your apartment and jumped in bed. You were on top, and you got about 10 strokes into it when you fell asleep. Just when I was about to push you off, you woke up and started strokin’ again, chanting “Go Cubs Go, Go Cubs Go, Go Cubs Go!” until you passed out again. This went on a few more times until I’d had it and threw you off. As I was putting my clothes back on you kept sayin’ “I can’t believe they shelled Doc, I can’t believe they shelled Doc”, and as I walked out the door you started laughing hysterically. Then I called up my ex-boyfriend and he finished what you started.”

I tried to make peace and get another chance, but I blew it when I used as an excuse, “Sorry, but I never thought I’d see the Cubs beat Doc Gooden!”

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