BIKE YOGA Once I swing onto my bike the first thing I do is take a deep breath. I center myself by leaning over the handlebars, breathe deeply again, analyze the path ahead, the wind, the temperature, and exhale. I close my eyes and inhale. Then I sit, one leg straight, the ball of my…

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My Yoga Journey, Part 1

Life is a journey. Whether we cultivate deep roots to stand firm, strategically maneuver in orchestrated campaigns, or carelessly cavort on the whim of impulse, forces greater than our paltry schemes compel us to drift with the current. We can try to hold on, or at least steer, or float along fully aware of not only the futility of other options, but steadily anticipating the multitude of blessings which will infuse us if we welcome them along with the hardships we cannot control.

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