My First Trip To Wrigley

I had a choice to make. I could either go to the Canton Illinois Park District city championships and represent Isaac Swann School in checkers and knock hockey, or I could to Chicago to see the Cubs play in Wrigley Field for the very first time in my life. My dad gave me this decision to make as I lay in bed at Graham Hospital, where I had been rushed three days earlier with a high fever, racking cough, and violent body tremors.

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My Yoga Journey, Part 1

Life is a journey. Whether we cultivate deep roots to stand firm, strategically maneuver in orchestrated campaigns, or carelessly cavort on the whim of impulse, forces greater than our paltry schemes compel us to drift with the current. We can try to hold on, or at least steer, or float along fully aware of not only the futility of other options, but steadily anticipating the multitude of blessings which will infuse us if we welcome them along with the hardships we cannot control.

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Seventies Music

For me it started as vibrations in the womb. On no day from the point of conception to the day of my birth was I not immersed in it. Every day I attended a concert, melody and rhythm bathing me as much as the amniotic fluid I floated in, blissfully aware of the magic that flowed from the spirit carrying me.

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At my age days rush past like angry clouds on a stormy day, sometimes spitting down pain, other times only threatening. During my long nights of fractured slumber, they remind me there is one fewer to come, and each will arrive and depart more rapidly than the last.

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